NCR Staff

By this Author

Your thoughts on the bishops, vaccines and abortion

Your thoughts on 'beige' Catholicism

Your thoughts on if Biden will be invited to Notre Dame

Your thoughts on Michael Sean Winters' latest columns

Your thoughts on the US bishops and Biden

Your thoughts on liberal Catholicism

Your thoughts on investigating the U.S. bishops' conference

Your thoughts on Catholics being conned by Donald Trump

Your thoughts on Catholic complicity in Capitol attack

Your thoughts on Biden as Catholic Newsmaker of the Year

Your thoughts on Catholic Trump supporters

Your thoughts on Chaput, Biden and Communion

Your thoughts on the church's legacy toward Indigenous people

Your thoughts on learning lessons from Trump

Your thoughts on abortion, Biden and the US bishops

Your thoughts on the sainthood of Pope John Paul II

Your thoughts on the McCarrick report

Your thoughts on history of clergy sexual abuse

#CatholicsVote2020: Presidential race too close to call

Your thoughts on the pope and civil unions

